
You can bind functions to the Galleria events to build custom themes. All callbacks contains an event object as a function argument. The event object is similar to the one that jQuery uses in their event model, except that it adds even further properties to the event object, specified here.

In the callback, the this keyword inside the callback always refers to the gallery scope.

How to use the events

You can use the global Galleria.on() function to bind functions to events, f.ex:

Galleria.on('image', function(e) {
    Galleria.log(this); // the gallery scope
    Galleria.log(e.imageTarget); // the currently active IMG element

Or you can use .bind() inside the Galleria.ready or extend to listen to the Galleria events. Example:

Galleria.ready(function() {

    this.bind("thumbnail", function(e) {
        Galleria.log(this); // the gallery scope
        Galleria.log(e) // the event object

    this.bind("loadstart", function(e) {
        if ( !e.cached ) {
            Galleria.log( + ' is not cached. Begin preload...');

List of Galleria events


Triggers when a thumbnail is loaded and displayed in Galleria.

Event properties:

  • galleriaData (Object) The currently active data object

  • thumbTarget (HTML element) The thumbnail IMG element

  • index (int) the index of the thumbnail, starting at 0


Triggers every time Galleria begins loading an image.

Event properties:

  • galleriaData (Object) The currently active data object

  • cached (boolean) is true if the image is cached (no loading required).

  • imageTarget (HTML element) The IMG element of the image about to load.

  • thumbTarget (HTML element) The IMG element of the thumbnail that belongs to the imageTarget.

  • index (Number) The galleria index of the image about to load.


Triggers every time Galleria has finished loading an image.

Event properties:

  • galleriaData (Object) The currently active data object

  • cached (boolean) is true if the image is cached (no loading required).

  • imageTarget (HTML element) The IMG element of the now loaded image before transition.

  • thumbTarget (HTML element) The IMG element of the thumbnail that belongs to the imageTarget.

  • index (Number) The galleria index of the image loaded.


Triggers when the gallery image is displayed after loading and transition.

Event properties:

  • galleriaData (Object) The currently active data object

  • imageTarget (HTML element) The IMG element of the now active displayed image after transition.

  • thumbTarget (HTML element) The IMG element of the active thumbnail.

  • index (Number) The galleria index of the image loaded.


Triggers when the galleria slideshow starts playing.


Triggers when the galleria slideshow stops playing.


Triggers every x milliseconds during slideshow. You can listen to this if you want to create a progress bar for slideshows.

Event properties:

  • percent (Number) prints the percent (0-100) of the slideshow progress.

  • seconds (Number) prints the seconds elapsed since the last image during slideshow.

  • milliseconds (Number) prints the milliseconds elapsed since the last image during slideshow.


Triggers when the gallery goes into fullscreen mode.


Triggers when the gallery exits the fullscreen mode.


Triggers when the gallery goes into idle mode.


Triggers when the gallery exists idle mode.


Triggers every time the rescale() method is used and completed for rescaling the gallery.