API Methods

Using the API

The Galleria methods are exposed in the instance. You have access to all methods listed here in the extend( [ options ] ) option or inside the Galleria.ready function. Read more about how to use the Galleria instance in Extending Galleria


.play( interval )

returns Galleria

Starts the automatic slideshow and sets the interval length in milliseconds. If no interval is given, default (5000 = 5 seconds) is used.


returns Galleria

Stops the slideshow and resets the interval.


returns Galleria

Stops the slideshow if currently playing, otherwise it start the slideshow.

.setPlaytime( milliseconds )

returns Galleria

Sets the interval of the autoplay slideshow at run-time.

.show( index )

returns Galleria

Shows the image specified as index. You can call this method anytime and the image will be placed in a transition queue.


.resize( [measures] )

returns Galleria

This will resize the entire gallery. ‘measures’ is an object with “width” and “height” that you can pass to force a certain size. If no width or height is passed, the gallery will extract new measures from the CSS.

.enterFullscreen( [callback] )

returns Galleria

This will set the gallery in fullscreen mode. It will temporary manipulate some document styles and blow up the gallery to cover the browser screen. Note that it will only fill the browser window, not the client screen (javascript can’t do that).

The callback is called when the fullscreen mode has initialized (it takes around 40 ms before everything is rescaled)

.exitFullscreen( [callback] )

returns Galleria

This will exit fullscreen mode and revert the gallery to it’s normal size and also revert the document styles. The callback is called when the fullscreen mode is turned off (it takes around 40 ms before everything is rescaled)

.toggleFullscreen( [callback] )

returns Galleria

Toggles fullscreen mode.

.openLightbox( [index] )

returns Galleria

This will pop out a lightbox window of the image. You can specify an index if you want to display a different image than the currently active. The lightbox window is fairly simple and pre-styled (no CSS or images needed). You can define some values like the overlay opacity as a galleria option.


returns Galleria

This will close the lightbox window.

.addIdleState(elem, styles)

returns Galleria

This will add an “idle” state of any element. The idle state activates when no user interaction has been made for x amount of milliseconds. You can modify the idle timeout using the idleTime option (default is 3000 milliseconds). Styles is an object of CSS styles you wish to animate the element to when entering idle state. Example:

// will fade out the thumbnails when entering idle mode
this.addIdleState(this.get('thumbnails'), {
    opacity: 0


returns Galleria

Removes an elements idle state set using the addIdleState method.

.addPan( [image] )

returns Galleria

Manually applies a panning effect that revealse cropped areas on mousemove. If no image specified, it will assume the currently displayed image. You can set this to automatically add pan on each image using the image_pan option.


returns Galleria

Removes all panning effects set by addPan().


returns Galleria

Refreshes the image scale & position. Useful if you f.ex. change imageCrop options at run time and need to reposition the image accordingly.


.load( data )

returns Galleria

Loads new data into the gallery. The data should be structured as an Array and follow the same data patterns as the original JSON data

.splice( index, howMany[, element1[, …[, elementN]]] )

returns Galleria

Adds and/or removes images from the gallery. This method works just like the JavaScript Array.splice method as explained here:



this.splice( 0, 2 ); // removes two images after the first
this.splice( -2, 2 ); // removes the last two images

.push( element1, …, elementN )

returns Galleria

Adds and/or removes images from the gallery. This method works just like the JavaScript Array.push method as explained here:



this.push({ image: 'image1.jpg' }); // adds an image to the gallery

.addElement( elemID )

returns Galleria

Creates a new element into the Galleria DOM and becomes instantly available using .$() or .get()

.appendChild( parentID, childID )

returns Galleria

Appends an element to another in the Galleria DOM structure using element IDs. Example:

// creates a new element with the id 'mystuff':

// appends the element to the container

.prependChild( parentID, childID )

returns Galleria

Prepends an element to another in the Galleria DOM structure using element IDs. Example:

// creates a new element with the id 'mystuff':

// appends the element to the stage

.setOptions( key, value )

returns Galleria

Manipulates the gallery options at run time.


this.setOptions( 'transition', 'slide' );

You can also manipulate several options by applying an object. This example demonstrates how to alter the image positions and then use refreshImage to apply the new options to the active image:

    imagePosition: 'top left',
    imageCrop: true

.setCounter( [index] )

returns Galleria

Sets the counter to the index or the active image if no index is specified.

.setInfo( [index] )

returns Galleria

Sets the captions to display data taken from the index or the active image if no index is specified. Example:

this.bind('thumbnail', function(e) {

    $(e.thumbTarget).hover(this.proxy(function() {

        this.setInfo(e.thumbOrder); // sets the caption to display data from the hovered image
        this.setCounter(e.index); // sets the counter to display the index of the hovered image

    }, this.proxy(function() {

        this.setInfo(); // reset the caption to display the currently active data
        this.setCounter(); // reset the caption to display the currently active data



.$( elemIDs )

returns jQuery

Fetches elements from the Galleria DOM structure and returns a jQuery object with all elements, very useful for theme development. You can specify a single element ID or multiple elements in a comma-separated list. Example:

this.$('stage,thumbnails').click(function(e) {
    Galleria.log('stage or thumbnails clicked');

.get( elemID )

returns HTML Element

Fetches a single element from the Galleria DOM structure and returns it. Example:

console.log( this.get('stage') ); // the HTML element
console.log( this.$('stage') ); // the same element wrapped in jQuery


returns String

Returns the theme name used for this gallery. Example:

console.log( this.getThemeName() ); // the theme name as string

.getNext( [base] )

returns Number

Helper method for getting the next image index in line. Returns the first if last has exceeded. base is the index you want to start from, if not specified it grabs the active image index.

.getPrev( [base] )

returns Number

Helper method for getting the previous image index in line. Returns the last index if base is zero. base is the index you want to start from, if not specified it grabs the active image index.


returns IMG Element

Method for grabbing the currently displayed image.

.getData( [index] )

returns Object

Returns the data object for the image. You can specify index or it will assume the currently active image.


returns Number

Returns the number of slides in the gallery.


returns Number

Returns the current index.

.mousePosition( event )

returns Object

Helper method for getting the right x and y values from a mouse event, relative to the galleria position. event is a jQuery mouseevent object.

$(document).bind(‘mousemove’, this.proxy(function(e) {

var pos = this.mousePosition(e); Galleria.log(pos.x, pos.y);


.hasInfo( [index] )

returns Boolean

Helper method for finding out if a gallery image has info (captions). You can specify index or it will assume the currently active image. Example:


.bind( type, callback )

returns Galleria

Binds a callback function to a Galleria event. The callback function contains the event object as the only argument. Example:

this.bind('image', function(e) {
    Galleria.log(this) // the galleria instance
    Galleria.log(e.imageTarget); // the displayed Image element

this.bind('fullscreen_enter', function(e) {
    Galleria.log('Fullscreen mode!');

.unbind( type )

returns Galleria

Removes all functions attached to a Galleria event.

.trigger( type )

returns Galleria

Manually triggers a Galleria event.

.lazyLoad( array, complete )

returns Galleria

If you set thumbnails: lazy you can use this method to lazyLoad thumbnails at any time. Just pass an array of indexes to make the gallery load the thumbnails. Example:

this.lazyLoad( [0,1], function() {
    Galleria.log('Thumbnails 0 and 1 are loaded');

.lazyLoadChunks( size, delay )

returns Galleria

If you set thumbnails: lazy you can use this method to set up Galleria to lazy load all thumbnails in chunks. F.ex if you have 30 images, and want to load the first 10 thumbnails first, then the next 10 and so on, you can do:

this.lazyLoadChunks( 10 );

delay is an optional parameter that adds a delay in milliseconds between the loads.


returns Galleria

Wipes out the galleria gallery and restores the original content.

.attachKeyboard( map )

returns Galleria

This helper method attaches keyboard events to Galleria. The map object contains a map of functions to execute when a certain keyCode is pressed.

You can use a number of helper keywords to identify common keys. The keywords are up, down, left, right, return, escape and backspace.

If you call this method again with the same key, you will simply override the last function. Example attaching some keyboard action to galleria:

    left: this.prev, // applies the native prev() function
    right: this.next,
    up: function() {
        // custom up action
        Galleria.log('up pressed');
    13: function() {
        // start playing when return (keyCode 13) is pressed:

    left: this.openLightbox // will override the previously defined prev()


returns Galleria

Removes all keyboard events attached using .attachKeyboard(). Useful when building lightboxes or overlays.