

  • Add missing themes


  • Add srcset / sizes support and include retina example

  • AMD Implementation

  • Inline CSS images

  • Minor Bugfixes


  • Check for null reference when loading thumbnails

  • Destroy empty galleria

  • Rule out false positives as Win10 wrongly reports some Devices as touch enabled


  • Fix Error mesages


  • Fix Fullscreen CDN demo


  • Include Fullscreen Theme for free


  • Versioning and compatibility checks for themes


  • Fix error in CDN Distribution


  • jQuery 3 Support


  • CDN Support


  • Youtube fix


  • Patch, added Galleria.getLoadedThemes()


  • Allow preloading of themes

  • Remove empty placeholders for iframe thumbnails if option is set to false



  • Fullscreen support IE11+

  • Fixed iframe bug/disappearing content

  • Fixed touch /click events for hybrid devices


  • More swipe optimizations when loading images

  • Changed the swipe option to be more descriptive


  • Fixes for IE10 & IE11

  • Stability update for swipe with large images (fixes the “black screen” bug)

  • Speed updates for Azur


  • Stability update for touches and swipes

  • Replaced the error-prone fastclick with a custom event (click:fast)

  • Added support for AMD loaders like require.js and commonJS syntax

  • Added IE10 and IE11 detections


  • Visual updates to each theme

  • Added variations - a simple option that creates a visual variation to the theme, f.ex “light” or “smallarrows”

  • Fixed many animations on touch devices

  • Improved finger movement animations


  • Fixed some touch issues on resize

  • Fixed a twelve touch bug on thumbnails

  • Cleaned up and activated the fastclick

  • Fixed a fullscreen return bug in non-native mode


  • Added a much improved touch/slide experience, close to native.

  • Added a fastclick variant for better overall touch experience

  • Handle a random ready issue when loading dynamic CSS in IE

  • Fixed html5 data to strict typing (string)

  • Added thumbPosition option, same as imagePosition but for thumbnails

  • Fixed FF fullscreen class bug

  • Fixed FF carousel animation bug

  • Added a poster image for videos, and an option for disabling it.

  • Much improved general video handling using poster images, better media fetching and overall improved user experience


  • Clicknext/lightbox is now only triggered on left-click

  • Better internal queue handling

  • Improved the .destroy() method so it destroys all events and data as well

  • Added an automatic .destroy() trigger if a gallery was initialized on an element that already contained a gallery (no more silent fail)

  • Removed automatic gallery updates when using .loadTheme()

  • Added a static Galleria.unloadTheme() that unloads the existing theme and prepares for a new one

  • Fixed an IE8 bug with initial inherited opacity for images

  • Added fullscreen functionality from within an iframe gallery, assuming that the iframe and parent window protocol, host and ports match

  • Added a maxVideoSize option that limits the iframe/video size


  • Fixed a dummy image bug

  • Responsive is now default true, and it will also keep the original aspect ratio per default. You can still set your own ratio if you configure a height less than two.

  • Fixed Galleria.log

  • Fixed a bug with multiple galleries and true fullscreen

  • Fixed a Galleria.on bug

  • Fixed tooltip bug in some IE versions

  • .push() now silently adds new thumbnails without reloading the thumbnail bar

  • Fixed a enterFullscreen bug in FF if fullscreen was entered during transition

  • Added a thumbDisplayOrder option (defaults true) that will make the thumbnails appear in order (but still load async)

  • Added a ‘lazy’ option for thumbnails, making them lazy so you can control the loading later

  • Added two more API calls - ‘lazyLoad()’ and ‘lazyLoadChunks()’ that controls how the lazy thumbnails should be loaded

  • Galleria now uses a test element to know when the CSS is loaded for better Android compatibility. If you are getting errors after upgrading you should also download the latest theme files.

  • Fixed some performance issues in Folio, it should now work more stable across all browsers

  • Added a dataSort option that you can use to sort the images before showing them


  • Fixed an issue with double events when using clicknext and layer.

  • Moved the clicknext target from the stage to the image element

  • Fixed an IE bug that made the overlay invinsible when calling lightbox multiple times.

  • Fixed an IE9 bug that made the lightbox navigation work incorrectly

  • Fixed a timer that caused iOS5 to not trigger the fullscreen_close event in some setups

  • Added support for HTML5 data attributes for passing data to Galleria. We will continue to have legacy support, but this is now the recommended way to pass data.

  • The event object passed at image, thumbnail, loadstart and loadfinish events now also contains the current gallery data, passed as ‘galleriaData’

  • Added video support for Vimeo, Youtube and Dailymotion video URLs. Se the image data reference for implementation instructions.

  • Removed the description attribute for Picasa, since google only uses one caption. Instead, we now extract the caption as title (instead of the file name).

  • Added youtube, vimeo and dailymotion options for setting custom player parameters for each provider

  • Added iframe support, now you can place any website URL as iframe, as long as the site allows it.

  • Added two more crops: ‘portrait’ and ‘landscape’. ‘landscape’ is the most useful - it crops landscape pictures but not portrait. ‘portrait’ crops the other way around.

  • Removed the debug message for “image not loaded in 30 seconds”, as it was causing much more confusion than good

  • Added a “wait” option, this defines how long Galleria should wait when trying to extract measurements before throwing an error. Set this to true for infinity.

  • Added a destroy() method in the API

  • Added a new reference called “Galleria error messages” where we list all common errors, what causes them and how to solve them.

  • Fixed minor lightbox/clicknext bug for touch devices

  • Fixed a cross-domain issue when adding themes from other domains in firefox

  • Fixed some timer bugs for multiple galleries

  • Added a ‘resize’ method in the API and a new option called ‘responsive’. Setting this to true will allow the entire gallery to scale according to dynamic CSS properties.

  • Made it possible to use a relative height, specified by a low number for height declaration that will be the ratio

  • Added Galleria.configure as a static option for adding options

  • Added as the official initialization method

  • Added Galleria.on as a static binder for events

  • Added a fallback that uses domReady if the element is not found on the first init

  • Added support for native fullscreen in Firefox 10+, Chrome and Safari 5+. You can disable it by setting trueFullscreen to false


  • Fixed a fullscreen bug on the first image when using a bigger photo

  • Fixed so that the image will return to it’s original source when exiting fullscreen

  • Added a warning if the page is in quirks mode (IE only)

  • Fixed a rendering error that caused a blank image if the user moved images really fast using the slide transition

  • Added fullscreenTransition and touchTransition options

  • Lightbox now also preloads the next two big images for faster navigation while in lightbox mode

  • Layer now inherits lightbox, link or clicknext events set on image or stage

  • Fixed a load issue in webkit causing a width/height error for cached images in debug mode

  • Increased CSS load timeout

  • Fixed a positioning bug in IE when the images where positioned far to the left when entering fullscreen mode using a different transition


  • Removed the need for having .jpg .gif .png as file ending for Galleria to recognize the file as an image

  • Improved error handling when loading images

  • Removed translate3d and use regular css3 transitions for desktop webkit to prevent resize bugs

  • Removed css3 animations in Opera since the implementation is still buggy

  • Added ‘layer’ in data model – a HTML layer above the image that follows the image transitions and position.

  • Improved events for handling loading of themes

  • Fixed many alpha bugs in IE when using Utils.hide and

  • Added dummy option so you can show a fallback image if the active image could not be fetched

  • Added a setPlaytime method that lets you change the slideshow interval anytime

  • Fixed logging bug in IE

  • Added the instance into $.data so you can use $(target).data(‘galleria’).anyApiMethod()

  • Added version and a static .requires(version) method

  • Reworked the image load methods to work more efficient and cross-browser friendly

  • Fixed so that the carousel follows any initial index set by the show option

  • Fixed a rendering bug in some environments where the image was right-aligned

  • Added the History plugin

  • Added a fullscreenCrop option for separate cropping in fullscreen mode

  • Added the Picasa plugin

  • Added an imageTimeout option for setting a custom timeout for Galleria when fetching images


  • Improved overall error messages

  • Galleria now prints debug messages to the Galleria container for easier debugging

  • Debug is now true by default - set debug to false when deploying

  • Changed lightbox image to use the bigger image if available

  • Fixed a link bug that caused the link destination to be mixed up between images

  • Added a rel attribute in the HTML that can be used to provide a big image for fullscreen view

  • Removed a thumbnail height check before validating the measurements

  • Added keyboard nav for the lightbox

  • Added canvas rescaling support for better thumbnail generation on the client. Still experimental; set useCanvas to true if you want to try it.

  • Fixed a rounding error in IE9 that caused the thumbnails to stretch

  • Added CSS3 animations (including hardware optimized for iOS) with jQuery fallbacks for all transitions and other animations

  • Added a swipe option (default true) to activate swipe gesture for navigating on touch devices

  • Improved the touchstart event for a better mobile experience in general

  • Improved the Galleria.TOUCH boolean to detect if the document supports an actual touch event

  • Improved the classic theme, other themes will also be improved

  • Fixed a webkit bug where the scrollbar sometimes disappeared after returning from fullscreen

  • Added a Galleria.ready function to simplify customizations and attaching plugins to each gallery when initialized

  • Added a new transition: ‘doorslide’ that will slide the images in opposite directions

  • Added ‘idleMode’ option, set this to false to prevent the gallery from entering idle mode at all

  • Added ‘fullscreenDoubleTap’ option (default true) that listens for the double-tap event on touch devices and toggle fullscreen mode if it happens.


  • Added Flickr plugin docs

  • Increased CSS load timeout to fix many loadTheme errors

  • Increased image load timeout to 30sec

  • Added ‘big’ as data key. This makes it possible to provide a bigger image for fullscreen mode.

  • Added ‘Using image data’ reference to explain in detail how Galleria handles image data

  • Added isPlaying(), isFullscreen() and refreshImage() to the API docs

  • Fixed so that exiting fullscreen mode will also revert the keymap that was applied before entering

  • Fixed attachKeyboard so that you can attach a custom keyCode (thanks rspeicher)

  • Fixed chrome bug when fading the tooltip

  • Fixed double show bug when using load()

  • Fixed initialTransition option bug

  • Fixed so that the counter updates properly when modifying the data object at run time

  • Improved lightbox controls

  • Fixed fade bug in lightbox mode

  • Added a lightbox option as a helper for attaching a click event that triggers the lightbox for each image

  • Added playToggle() method in the docs


  • Fixed showInfo, showCounter and showImagenav options

  • Fixed IE bug when loading a theme from jQuery’s domReady callback

  • Fixed IE7 bug when calculating height, it now takes the maximum height from different values

  • Fixed IE bug when showing/hiding counters with transparent pngs inside


  • Fixed Chrome image loading bug in Chrome 9 / OSX by forcing chrome to reload the image using a timestamp get if no width/height is detected.

  • Removed the Galleria.THEMELOAD event that caused the debugger to throw an error in debug mode when using multiple instances.


  • 1.2 stable release 2011-02-18